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Saturday 14 September 2013

Forex Trading Signal for 16th September 2013


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 (1) BUY
E/P: 1.32960
T/P: 1.33500
S/L: 1.32400

 (2) SELL
E/P: 1.32700
T/P: 1.32000
S/L: 1.33400

Up Trend:

(1) BUY
E/P: 1.58491
T/P: 1.58900
S/L: 1.57900

(2) SELL
E/P: 1.57620
T/P: 1.57000

S/L: 1.58500

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All eyes on the Fed as investors weigh September taper odds

As the September Fed monetary policy meeting is drawing near, the debate on the FOMC's possible decision to start scaling back the asset purchase program is becoming more and more heated. Recent developments, such as the disappointing August NFP numbers, as well as the ongoing Syrian conflict, have shaken economists' confidence as to whether the QE taper will really be initiated next week.

“With a job market 'far from satisfactory' and a promise to adjust monetary policy depending on economic conditions, it would not be a surprise if the Fed postpones the reduction of monthly asset purchases until the next meeting in late October,” Ilian Yotov suggests. Alexandra Estiot also doesn't expect the Fed to make the move at the upcoming meeting, reasoning that “the likeliness of inflation pressures showing up is close to zero,” which means “the cost, in terms of inflation, of ending QE3 too late is nil, while the benefits, even if very difficult to clearly assess, are positive.”

Despite the doubts about whether the Fed will start reducing QE in September, all of the economists agree with Steve Ruffley that the FOMC “are planning to taper by the end of the year and nothing will change this.”

Some of the analysts taking part in the forecast report still believe however that the slowdown of the monthly asset purchases will be announced at the upcoming FOMC meeting. They believe that the employment data hasn't been that bad (after all the unemployment rate fell to 7.4%) and point out that the Syrian crisis has calmed down in recent days. They also remind that several dovish Fed officials declared their willingness to have an "open mind" about tapering at the September meeting.

Adam Narczewski is the most confident that the Fed will proceed with the QE slowdown, and predicts that it will “reduce its asset repurchase program by 10bln USD.” Valeria Bednarik also allows for such a possibility, stressing however that “a 10/15B taper won't be enough to support the greenback, as most of it is priced in.”

The FOMC will announce its monetary policy decision on September 18 at 18:00 GMT. Below you will find the full forecasts of the contributing economists.

Alexandra Estiot - Senior Economist at BNP Paribas:

Alexandra Estiot
"We do not expect the Fed to announce a slowdown in the monthly pace of security purchases in September. The August labour market report was a disappointment, but the pace of job creation slowed down earlier. For sure, the unemployment rate is falling, but because of discouraged job seekers giving up all together. Other measures of labour underutilisation (people willing to work full-time but ending up on a part-time position…) are even gloomier, pleading for cautiousness in removing monetary accommodation. The only element that could push FOMC members into deciding such a move would be that they feel like December is too far a date. With the economy still not showing any sign of sustained acceleration, neither in activity nor in job creations, the likeliness of inflation pressures showing up is close to zero. This means that the cost, in terms of inflation, of ending QE3 too late is nil, while the benefits, even if very difficult to clearly assess, are positive. Thus, the balance between costs and benefits is about financial stability. As the early talks about the 'tapering' ended up pushing up yields very quickly, it appears clear that financial markets are building up expectations about what is coming next. The risk in announcing a slowdown in monthly security purchases is for rate hike expectations to rise, with a collateral risk on interest rates. Another reason to wait is the uncertainty about who the next Chair of the Fed will be. This will be known in December. If Janet Yellen were to be named and confirmed, she could weigh on even more heavily on the decision on the policy to be implemented going forward. A possible decision to be made in September could be the announcement of more regular post-meeting press briefings. That would definitely clear the way for major policy move to be announced at whatever meeting and not just four times a year."

Steve Ruffley - Chief Market Strategist at

Steve Ruffley
"The data out of the US in my opinion was not that bad. Again more market scaremongering adding to the confusion of what the FED should do. Bernanke and the FED are by no means helping themselves by not giving the market any clear indication of when tapering will happen. However we all know it will happen. By looking at the markets and the huge sell off in Treasuries the market has told us it believes that tapering is imminent and a reduction in the bond back buying program will be the end of the free money. 

I believe the FED are planning to taper by the end of the year and nothing will change this. Friday’s NFP was not that much of a concern and frankly anything that is not disastrous figure is actually a positive these days. As we don’t know exactly when or how aggressive the taper will be the advice is to carry on buying dips in the stocks as the bonds are only heading one way for the foreseeable future, down."

Ilian Yotov - FX Strategist and Founder at AllThingsForex:

Ilian Yotov
"Two consecutive months of disappointing non-farm payrolls data have reduced the odds of a Fed taper announcement following the September 17-18 meeting. With a job market 'far from satisfactory' and a promise to adjust monetary policy depending on economic conditions, it would not be a surprise if the Fed postpones the reduction of monthly asset purchases until the next meeting in late October. Should the FOMC decide to wait, the USD could register another month of weakness, similar to the greenback's trend in July and August." 

Adam Narczewski - Financial Analyst at X-Trade Brokers, XTB:

Adam Narczewski
"We are all waiting for September the 18th and waiting for the Fed's action. No doubt the Fed will act and reduce the QE program. The question is by how much. Some polls made a couple of weeks ago showed that some experts were expecting even a 35bln USD reduction in QE (from the current 85bln USD). I have never expected such big number but still 20-25bln USD was reasonable. After the last two NFP readings (worse than expected) the situation has changed. Even the strongest hawk within the Fed, Esther George, mentioned the Fed should cut QE by 15bln USD. So, it is not going to be 15 but less. My expectation is the Fed will reduce its asset repurchase program by 10bln USD on September the 18th."

Bill Hubard - Chief Economist at  

Bill Hubard
"Of course, the weak US labour market report released on Friday has fired up the local debate on the path of Fed tapering.  Ahead of the US labour market report, the consensus was for a $20bln reduction of QE to be announced at the September meeting. In light of the debate in St. Petersburg and the weak US labour market report, the $20bln cut represents the upper limit, with consensus now lower. The Fed’s George favours the Fed ‘tapering’ QE purchases by $15bn at 17-18 September’s FOMC, while the WSJ’s Hilsenrath called the upcoming Fed decision a 'cliff-hanger'. 

The market is still undecided about the timing and extent of Fed 'tapering' although any move at the FOMC meeting is likely to a be what you might call a 'dovish' taper (ie a reduction) and we are looking for Treasury purchases of $10bn, no change in purchases of mortgage-backed securities and 'dovish' forward guidance on interest rates." 

Yohay Elam - Analyst at Forex Crunch:

Yohay Elam
"There is a a very high probability that the Fed will announce a reduction in the pace of bond buying on September 18th, and probably by $15 billion to $70 billion. Despite the recent weak employment report, the US is still growing and creating jobs. At this point, the effectiveness of bond buying is limited, and the Fed would prefer that the government pick the baton and provide address the sequester. Bernanke and co. can look at QE and see it as a success story in the housing market, with a clear recovery. However, with house prices rising around 12% YoY (Case Shiller), perhaps the time has come to reduce the level of stimulus (the Fed doesn't see tapering as tightening) to avoid blowing a bubble. In addition, the Fed might worry about other bubbles in stocks, commodities and emerging markets. 

The notion that the 'Septaper' is coming is strengthened by recent comments from Fed officials, that come with 'an open mind' to tapering in September. This includes the doves. With the Syrian issue somewhat defused, there are very little chances that the Fed will not taper. 

QE tapering is not fully priced in, and we could see the dollar strengthening afterwards. A lot depends on the guidance to the next tapering steps, and this remains a mystery for now." 

Alberto Muñoz, Ph.D. - Forex Analyst at

Alberto Muñoz
"Latest US employment report came as a complete shock as only 169,000 jobs were created, below the consensus number. Also people leaving the labor force and the downwards revision of the July report weren't good news at all for the US economy. Therefore it looks unlikely that the Fed will begin tapering in the next meeting though the bias to taper will remain intact as probably the Fed needs more evidence that the economy is in a strong recovery path before reducing the pace of asset purchases. Also Bernanke will probably show a stronger commitment to keep rates low for an long period of time. Now the next move will depend on the September employment report: if we have good news in the US labor market, tapering could begin after the Oct. 28-29 FOMC meeting, concluding the process by the next year, between spring and summer."

Valeria Bednarik - Chief Analyst with

"Market has been dancing at the pace of a possible September QE tapering for the past few months, with the greenback rising when hopes increase, and falling when chances dilute; movements had been by far more significant when the idea first came out, than lately, as investors started to price in some probable taper. 

The day has come, and things are not as good as to be confident the FED will start reducing its bond programs: employment data shown signs of improvement with unemployment rate down to 7.4%, lowest level since Dec 2008, but the feeling is that latest numbers are not enough. Nevertheless, market is now thinking more on 'how much' rather than 'if', as even the ultra doves had announced past week that they will come to the meeting with an open mind regarding tapering. I believe that the FED may announce a reduction in its buying program, but I also believe a 10/15B taper won't be enough to support the greenback, as most of it is priced in. A delay towards year end will likely see dollar nose diving across the board, while a reduction of 20B or more will give the dollar a strong boost higher."

EUR/USD Forecast September 16-20

EUR/USD recovered and rose in range after two weeks of drops, riding on the dollar’s weakness. Is it vulnerable to QE tapering in the US? German ZEW Economic Sentiment, trade balance and inflation data are the highlights of this week. Check out these events and more, on our weekly outlook and an updated technical analysis for EUR/USD. 
Confidence is on the rise in the Eurozone with Sentix index soaring to plus 6.5 in August from minus 4.9 in July indicating pessimism is entrenched in the euro-area. However despite this positive reading, industrial production data came out worse than expected, declining 1.5% in August. German elections are getting closer. In the US, data was generally weaker than predicted, but this will not necessarily stop the taper train.
    EUR/USD daily graph with support and resistance lines on it. Click to enlarge:EURUSD Technical Analysis September 16 20 QE tapering edition forex trading currencies and fundamental view
    1. Italian Trade Balance: Monday, 8:00. Italy’s foreign trade surplus shrank in June from May, reaching €3.62 billion but was stronger than the same month last year. The Italian economy depends on external demand to return to growth and the recent improvement in the Euro-area brings positive growth to Italy’s exports. The purchasing managers’ index for manufacturing jumped to a more than two-year high of 50.4 in July, signaling expansion in the third quarter. Surplus is expected to grow to €4.13 billion.
    2. Eurozone Inflation data: Monday, 9:00. Euro Area inflation remained unchanged in July at 1.6%. in line with the ECB’s latest announcement and market forecast. However, the monthly reading recorded a drop of 0.5% from a prior of 0.1%. Meanwhile, core CPI, which excludes volatile items like food, energy, alcohol and tobacco, declined to 1.1% from 1.2% in the previous month. ECB President Mario Draghi confirmed that underlying price pressures are expected to remain “subdued “over the medium term. The ECB reduced its inflation forecast for 2013 and 2014 to 1.5% from 1.6% and 1.7% respectively. CPI is expected to gain 1.3%, while core CPI is projected to climb 1.1%.
    3. Eurozone Current Account: Tuesday, 8:00. The eurozone’s current account surplus declined to 16.9 billion euros ($22.6 billion) in June from 19.5 billion euros in May, This important indicator is closely monitored showing the ability of a country or area to pay its debts in the world. It is crucial for the long-term confidence of investors and trading partners. The eurozone’s current account surplus is expected to reach 18.3 billion euros.
    4. German ZEW Economic Sentiment: Tuesday, 9:00. The ZEW economic think tank’s survey ofeconomic sentiment advanced to 42.0 from 36.3 in July, reaching its highest level since March, beating forecast of a 40.3 reading. The recent strong data such as the big gain in industry output in June indicate a real improvement after a long, dry spell. Greece met its fiscal targets in the first seven months while Spain and Italy’s 10-year debt risk premiums have hit their lowest in two years indicating the Eurozone is emerging from recession. A further improvement to 45.3 is expected now.
    5. ZEW Economic Sentiment: Tuesday, 9:00. The euro area ZEW economic sentiment survey for the euro zone, edged up significantly to 44 points in July from June’s 32.8, beating analysts’ expectations for a reading of 37.4 points. Industrial production improved supporting signs of recovery in the Eurozone bloc. Inflation also increased on annual bases. ZEW economic sentiment survey for the euro zone  is expected to climb to 47.2.
    6. German Buba Monthly Report: Thursday, 10:00. German economic growth rebounded in the second quarter, contrary to thee stagnation in the first quarter.  Economic activity increased significantly indicating the German economy has returned to its normal growth rate. German economic growth is expected to “normalize and stabilize” in the remainder of the year.
    7. Consumer Confidence: Friday, 14:00. Consumer morale in the euro zone improved to -15.6 in August, beating market consensus of -17 and climbing to its highest level in two years. This rise offers further backing to the Euro-area’s long awaited recovery. has started to recover. Improved consumer confidence followed encouraging data on business activity in the euro zone in August, which picked up faster than expected, raising expectations that the third quarter will show further improvement. A stronger reading of -14 is expected this time.
    *All times are GMT
    EUR/USD Technical Analysis
    Euro/dollar began the week struggling with the 1.3175 line (mentioned last week). It then climbed sharply and conquered the 1.3240 line. Attempts to rise met resistance at 1.3325, a new line on the chart. The pair ended the week just below 1.33.
    Technical lines from top to bottom:
    1.37 was the 2013 peak, and is still far. 1.3590 capped EUR/USD back in February and is minor resistance.
    1.3520 was a swing high in February, before the pair tumbled down. 1.3450 is the new peak of August 2013 and serves as the next resistance line.
    1.3415 was the peak back in June and serves as a strong line of resistance, also after the break. 1.3325 worked as a double top in early September and is now a key line to the upside.
    It is followed by 1.3240, which capped the pair in April and also had a role in August. It worked as support in September. 1.3175 capped the pair during July 2013. The pair closed very close to this line, and it will be pivotal.
    1.3100 is worked as temporary resistance in December 2012 and is becoming more important once again, after capping a recovery attempt in June and then in July and providing support in September.
    It is followed by 1.3050, which proved be strong support in May 2013, defending the round number in more than one occasion, but it is less significant now.
    The very round 1.30 line was a tough line of resistance. In addition to being a round number, it also served as strong support and recently worked as a pivot line.
    Downtrend resistance
    Since mid August, a line can be seen capping the pair. A break above this line could release some steam, while a failure might send the pair downwards.
    I am neutral on EUR/USD
    Draghi is cautious on the European recovery and other officials warn that it might be temporary. These worries come for good reasons: German figures have been weaker and many countries still have a long way to go.With a third bailout for Greece now seeming inevitable and with higher uncertainty over the German elections, there are quite a few reasons to worry.
    However, the wild card is the Federal Reserve: tapering of 10-15 billion is becoming priced into the markets, as the general picture is positive. This will not be a huge surprise, even if it is dollar positive. However, nobody knows when the next stage will be. The tone of the statement accompanying the decision remains a mystery. In general, the US economy has an advantage over the European one and this should be reflected in a lower EUR/USD, but perhaps this will happen after the tapering and after the German elections.

    Forex Weekly Outlook September 16-20 – All about QE Tapering

    The US dollar was on the back foot as US data disappointed in the last week before the critical Fed decision. The FOMC meeting is by far the most important event. In addition, inflation data in the US and UK and US housing data are among the major events. Check out these events and more, on our weekly outlook.
    US unemployment claims dropped to 292Kdown 31,000 from the prior week associated to a one time statistical error. However despite this glitch, there is a noticeable improvement in the US job market. Nevertheless, the US consumer isn’t keen on spending: consumer confidence dropped and retail sales hardly grew. These followed the path of the disappointing NFP. Can these latest figures impact the Fed? Let’s Start
    1. UK inflation data: Tuesday, 8:30. The consumer price index declined in July to 2.8% within market predictions, but remained well above the pay rises for the average British worker, bolstering the BOE’s projections for a 2.0% inflation rate. However there is an ongoing improvement in the labor market which is expected to ease the burden of falling real wages. Inflation is expected to slow down further to 2.7%.
    2. German ZEW Economic Sentiment: Tuesday, 9:00. German analyst and investor sentiment soared in August, reaching 42.0 from 36.3 in July, well above the 40.3 expected by analysts. The rise indicates Europe’s largest economy is back on track after suffering a contraction in late 2012 and a weak start to 2013. German investors and analysts sentiment is expected to reach 45.3 this time.
    3. US inflation data: Tuesday, 12:30. U.S. consumer prices edged up a seasonally adjusted 0.2% amid higher gasoline, housing, clothing and food prices. Core prices excluding energy and food, also climbed 0.2%. The readings matched market expectations. Economists expect the Federal Reserve will start its tapering plan this month despite concern about low inflation.  CPI is expected to climb 0.2% while core CPI is predicted to rise 0.1%.
    4. US Building Permits: Wednesday, 12:30. US building permits edged up 2.7% in July to a 943,000-unit pace, broadly in line with market projections, but increasing at a slower pace due to rising mortgage rates. Still, housing affordability remains high, but less accommodative than a few months ago. The number of permits is expected to climb further to 0.95 million.
    5. FOMC decision: Wednesday, statement and economic projections at 18:00, Bernanke’s press conference is begins at 18:30.
      There is a a very high probability that the Fed will announce a reduction in the pace of bond buying on September 18th, and probably by $15 billion to $70 billion. Despite the recent weak employment report, the US is still growing and creating jobs. At this point, the effectiveness of bond buying is limited, and the Fed would prefer that the government pick the baton and provide address the sequester. Bernanke and co. can look at QE and see it as a success story in the housing market, with a clear recovery. However, with house prices rising around 12% YoY (Case Shiller), perhaps the time has come to reduce the level of stimulus (the Fed doesn’t see tapering as tightening) to avoid blowing a bubble. In addition, the Fed might worry about other bubbles in stocks, commodities and emerging markets.
      The notion that the “Septaper” is coming is strengthened by recent comments from Fed officials, that come with “an open mind” to tapering in September. This includes the doves. With the Syrian issue somewhat defused, there are very little chances that the Fed will not taper.
      QE tapering is not fully priced in, and we could see the dollar strengthening afterwards. A lot depends on the guidance to the next tapering steps, and this remains a mystery for now.
    6. NZ GDP: Wednesday, 22:45. New Zealand growth slowed in the first quarter to a gain of 0.3% following a 1.5% expansion rate in the previous quarter. Dairy stock ran out sooner than expected, leading to lower milk production and agriculture output declined 4.8%. This was the seventh consecutive quarterly increase and the largest quarterly gain in residential building since September 2002. Economists expected a bigger gain of 0.6% and expect GDP to grow further in the coming months. A gain of 0.2% is expected now. The kiwi is on high ground.
    7. US Unemployment Claims: Thursday, 12:30. The number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits plunged last week by 31,000 to a seasonally adjusted 292,000. The drop was mainly because of statistical problems in two states that delayed the processing of applications. The four-week average fell to 321,250, the lowest in six years. However, despite imprecise reading, improvement is felt in the US labor market, with fewer layoffs and better employment conditions. A rise to 323,000 is predicted.
    8. US Existing Home Sales: Thursday, 14:00. U.S. home sales edged up in July to their highest level in over three years, reaching 5.36 million units, indicating higher mortgages are having a limited impact on the housing market. Economists expected a smaller reading of 5.15 million units. A decline to 5.27 million units is expected this time.
    9. US Philly Fed Manufacturing Index: Thursday, 14:00. Factory activity in the Philadelphia area weakened in August after posting a multi-year high of 19.8 in July. new orders fell as business activity index declined to 9.3 from 19.8 in July and the pace of hiring slowed. Manufacturing in the United States weakened in recent months, due to lower overseas demand. A rise to 10.5 is forecasted.